University of Venda (Univen) is offering Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Bachelor (Hons) Degree, Masters and PhD programmes.
There are a total of eight faculties or schools under University of Venda (Univen) offering courses in following areas:
- School of Agriculture
- School of Education
- School of Environmental Sciences
- School of Health Sciences
- School of Human and Social Sciences
- School of Law
- School of Management Sciences
- School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Here are all the courses or programmes offered by University of Venda (Univen). Click on each department for full details of courses.
School of Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
- Agricultural and Rural Engineering
- Department of Animal Science
- Department of Consumer Sciences
- Department of Food Science and Technology
- Forestry
- Horticultural Sciences
- Plant Production
- Department of Soil Science
School of Education
School of Environmental Sciences
- Ecology and Resource Management
- Environmental Advisory and Assessment Unit
- Geography and Geo-Information Sciences
- GIS Resource Centre
- Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
- Institute of Semi-Arid Environment and Disaster Management
- Mining and Environmental Geology
- Urban and Regional Planning
School of Health Sciences
- Advanced Nursing Science
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Psychology
- Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sports Science
School of Human and Social Sciences
- Music
- Social Work
- M.E.R. Mathivha Centre for African Languages, Arts and Culture
- Institute for Gender and Youth Studies
- English Department
- Department of Development Studies
- Department of Communication and Applied Language Studies
- Eskia Mphahlele Centre for African Studies
- Humanities, Management Sciences and Law Foundation Programme
School of Law
- Department of Criminal and Procedural Law
- Department of Criminal Justice
- Department of Jurisprudence
- Department of Mercantile Law
- Department of Private law
- Department of Public Law
- Department of Legal Aid Clinic
School of Management Sciences
- Accountancy and Auditing
- Business Information Systems
- Department of Business Management
- Department of Extended Degree
- Economics
- Human Resources Management and Labour Relations
- Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies
- Public and Development Administration
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences